Reach Bonnie
I need some time off for personal reasons, but realize that the teams are waiting for feedback in various areas.  Please use this form to indicate what attention you need. 

Please help me triage the requests, by filling out this form.

If you do not need my help directly, but still need help, please use the following Slack channels

Onboarding Channels

Community of Practice Channels:

Administrative Needs
 #admin (for 1password help, etc.)

Letter of Recommendation
📝 Please fill out this LOR template document and then add the URL for it to your issue.  Don't forget to make it viewable

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Email *
Name *
Name of Hack for LA team *
Role on team
Summary (short) *
Our organization uses GitHub for Agendas, please make an agenda for this meeting and for each item on the agenda, there must be a link to its related issue with as much detail as is possible.  If the issue is not clear, it won't be addressed (Creation of an issue does not guarantee it will be addressed)
URL of GitHub Issue with Agenda *
How time sensitive is this? *
Please briefly explain what is at stake if you don't get a response in this time frame (also add to your agenda) *
Anything else that I didn't ask that you feel would be helpful for me to know
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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