Survey: Colorado  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Funding for Smaller Communities

The Colorado Energy Office and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA are excited to announce funding for Colorado cities, counties, towns, and state-recognized tribes. The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding is an exciting opportunity for smaller communities to access funds to hire staff or build regional collaborations to advance local clean energy and sustainability programs. 

Applicants are encouraged to apply in teams, cohorts, or coalitions to maximize the impact of program funding. Priority will be given to Justice40 communities and communities that did not receive the U.S. Department of Energy EECBG Program Formula grant. 

Funded communities or teams will also benefit from ICLEI’s technical assistance and the opportunity to network with peer grant recipients.

EECBG Grant Program for Local Government Staff Capacity and Regional Collaboration Support Details:

  • This grant program can fund staff capacity and regional collaboration efforts. 
  • Eligible Costs: staff salary, technical support costs

  • Ineligible Costs: funding of programs, project costs, and staff costs unrelated to this grant opportunity

  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to partner with other local governments in their region to collaborate on emission reduction projects.

  • Staff capacity awards will be limited to a maximum of $80,000 per year or $240,000 total over three years, whichever is greater. The maximum one-time award for regional collaboration cannot exceed $1,000,000.

  • No matching funds are required.

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Are there any state statutes or policies that have hindered your local government's ability to move forward on your climate goals? If so, can you explain the issue and what should be changed?
Name the community or communities the grant would support
Has your community already received EECBG funding? Note: priority will be given to communities that did not receive a direct U.S. Department of Energy EECBG Program Formula grant.
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Does your community have a completed greenhouse gas inventory of community-wide or government operations emissions? 

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Does your community have an existing climate action, sustainability, or related implementation plan?

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Which categories best fit your aims for increasing staff capacity? Select all that apply.
We encourage regional or thematic groups from across the State to develop joint proposals. Are you interested in collaborating with others if you’re not already?
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Does your community need technical support and/or guidance to apply for this grant?

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How will you ensure this funding helps low-income/Justice40 communities?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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