2024 "Cake Boss" Summer Camp Registration
Please complete this form to register for 2024 "Cake Boss" Summer Camp.

We have 8 sessions to choose from, running from June-July. 
Camp is held Monday - Thursday 10:00AM-12:00PM.
Cost per camper per session is $195 plus taxes and fees. 

Kids will design their own cake, bake it, crumb coat, frost, and make their own fondant decorations. At the end of the camp, each child will be able to show off their very own cake and take it home to eat. Each day has an adult and assistant helping the small group. Children are given as much or as little help as they desire.

**Child must be at least 7 years old and can be dropped off each day**

**Registration is not complete until payment is made, you will be prompted for payment after you complete the form**

**If registering more than one child you must fill out a form for each child and submit payment for each child**

**Once the registration form is submitted and payment is made you will receive an email with 2 forms to sign**

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Summer Camp Session Selection 
**If a session is not available it has been filled**
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