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Wreckfest Survey (April 2018)
5,019 responses
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My age is...
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I heard about Wreckfest from...
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As a Wreckfest player, I'm...
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I mostly play...
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As a racing game player, I prefer to play games like...
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My preferred input method is...
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Banger Racing (Single-Player)
How much fun is the single-player racing?
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(Optional) If it's not fun, please explain why:
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I have been able to find a suitable level of driving assists and AI difficulty so that racing is fun and rewarding.
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Using the following driving assists I have the most enjoyable experience:
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I would enjoy the game if handling was more demanding and simulator-like with all driving assists disabled.
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The cars feel appropriately different in handling.
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It's fun crashing into and trying to wreck other players in single-player.
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Which damage mode do you prefer in single-player?
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I'd like that crashing and damaging the car has more effect on the gameplay, making the car slower or more difficult to drive.
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Crash feedback (camera shake, effects) feels satisfying.
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I'm usually able to complete the races in single-player without getting wrecked myself.
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The following AI difficulty level is most suitable for my skill level:
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For the AI player names, I enjoy the current Steam community names better than the usual made-up names like "John Gilbert".
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AI cars should drive more aggressively (trying to ram me and the others).
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It's too easy to ram the AI cars out of the track.
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It's too easy for the AI cars to push me out of the track.
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After spinning the car, it's easy to recover and get back to speed in single-player.
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It's always easy to see where the tracks go.
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When I'm driving the wrong way I know how to return to the race in single-player.
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I'm able to see all the necessary information in the HUD.
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Demolition Derby (Single-Player)
How much fun are the demolition derbies?
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(Optional) If they're not fun, please explain why:
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I like Deathmatch (with respawns) game mode more than Last Man Standing.
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I know what to do in order to get a good result in derby game modes.
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I'm able to see all the necessary information in the HUD.
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(Optional) If you think some info is missing in the HUD, please explain what:
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Which career championships have you played (not necessarily completed)?
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How much fun is the game's career?
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(Optional) If it's not fun, please explain why:
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I'm able to progress in the championships at a rewarding pace.
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The events with multiple sessions on the same track offer a nice change of pace without feeling like unnecessary grind.
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During events with multiple sessions on the same track, I understood how to qualify for the next session in order to reach the finals.
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Experience accumulation and credits payouts feel rewarding.
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Upgrading the car with performance parts made it easier to beat the computer-controlled AI cars.
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Upgrading the car with demolition derby customization parts like heavy bumpers made it easier to not get wrecked during events.
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I feel like there’s enough variation in the career.
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In career, I like the following types of tracks in particular:
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If not, what kind of tracks are missing?
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How often do you play multiplayer (Wreckfest)?
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How much fun is the multiplayer?
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(Optional) If it's not fun, please explain why:
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In multiplayer, I enjoy no rules racing more than clean racing (I wreck other players whenever I have a chance).
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In multiplayer, I like demolition derby game modes more than banger racing game modes.
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In multiplayer, I prefer long races with over 5 minute duration over short races with less than 5 minute duration.
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In multiplayer, I like the following types of tracks in particular:
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In multiplayer, I prefer circuit racing tracks over tracks with more crashes, like Figure 8 & Crash Canyon.
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I know how to return to the race, when I'm driving the wrong way in multiplayer.
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In multiplayer, I'm able to see all the necessary information in the HUD.
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(Optional) If you think some info is missing in the HUD, please explain what:
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I prefer realistic damage in multiplayer.
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Overall Impressions
The game is visually great looking.
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The car engine sounds are great.
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I would prefer the soundtrack to feature...
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The game feels like a complete, finished product.
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(Optional) If not, what's missing?
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Currently, I would give the game the score of...
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(Optional) Name the top three faults in the game:
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(Optional) How would you make the game better?
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(Optional) Any other feedback you'd like to give us?
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