2024 Bellz Holiday Cards and more
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas. Festive Festivus, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa. If you are seeing this page, then the form is live, read on, and fill it out.

The holidays are often one of my favorite times of the year; however 2024 continues to show us that there is a significant portion of society who cannot think beyond their selves and try their best to help society. However, it doesn't mean that we can't find a spot of joy in midst of these storms.

In early December, I am looking forward to sitting down over a nice warm fire, some bourbon, and writing out Christmas cards to those who are close to me and to those who desire to have a piece of mail that isn't a student loan bill. Writing these cards are a great escape from reality and a way to spread joy.

As I begin to send my 2024 Holiday Cards, I want to make sure I have your most updated information. To make sure you are on the list, please update your information for my administrative elves and non-human assistants. If you do not update your address, there will be no card for you (sorry, this is an opt-in experience).

Raffle was drawn on Friday, December 6. 

Happy Holidays!
Email *
Have you ever received a BeSquared Holiday Card before? *
What Holiday(s) are you celebrating *
Zipcode *
State *
Who should the card be addressed to? *
It's okay to use an alias, especially if you just want a random holiday card
International Addresses
Mailing Address *
Please include Apt/Suite/Mailbox
City *
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