(7th) Summer Literacy-Growing up by Gary Soto Quiz
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1. How does Maria feel about family vacations? *
1 point
2. Why doesn't Maria want to go on vacation this year? *
1 point
3. Maria's father is upset because… *
1 point
4. How does Maria's mother explain her actions? *
1 point
5.Maria and her father… *
1 point
6.What does Maria do after her family leaves? *
1 point
7. How does Maria get ready for the mall? *
1 point
8.While they're at the mall, Maria… *
1 point
9. Why does Maria want to know if her family has called? *
1 point
10. For the remainder of the days that Maria's family is gone, she… *
1 point
11. How does Maria feel when her family returns? *
1 point
12. The story concludes when---- *
1 point
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