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For a sand deposit, the void ratio was determined at the loosest, densest, and natural states as 0.7, 0.3, and 0.5 respectively. The relative density of the sand deposit is:  [COAL India : 2020]
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The standard penetration test (SPT) conducted on fine sand below the water tablegave the average blow count as 33. What is the corrected SPT value? [COAL India : 2020]
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In which of the following, kerosene oil is used for its preparation ?
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In the design of purlins, depth of angle section should not be less than:
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In a CBR test, If the CBR value at 5 mm is greater than that at 2.5 mm:
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If levelling staff is held inclined at a staff station, the reduced level calculated from observation would be:
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Which IS code is used for classification of timber for seasoning purposes ? [ESE : 2014, JPPSC : 2019]
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In which pollution zone of the river, the dissolved oxygen reduced to zero ?
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The optimistic, most likely and pessimistic estimates of time for an activity are 4 days, 11 days and 12 days respectively. The expected completion time of this activity is
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A welded steel plate girder consisting of two flange plates of 350 mm x 16 mm and web plate of 1000 mm x 6 mm requires
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In a high flying aeroplane, the ink of the fountain pen leaks out because:
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The capital of world youngest nation South Sudan is:
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In a code ā€˜Mumbaiā€™ is written as ā€˜Sostpkā€™ and ā€˜Chennaiā€™ is written as ā€˜dcfmmpkā€™, then ā€œbenchā€ will be written as:
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How many triangles are there in the following figure?
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A hall 50 m long and 45 m broad is to be paved with square tiles. Find the largest tile as well as its number in the given options so that the tiles exactly fit in the hall?
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