Patreon Creator Ambassador Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Patreon Creator Ambassador Program!

The Creator Ambassador Program recognizes creators who have built incredible communities and consistently lift up other creators. It’s our way of recognizing your effort and working more closely with you on your upcoming projects.

As part of the program, ambassadors get to test new product features, partner with us on promotional opportunities, and attend exclusive events and workshops. 

For starters, we'd love to learn more about you. Take a moment to tell us more about you using the form below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name
Last Name *
Your Pronouns *
Link to your Patreon page
Link to your YouTube channel
Link to your Instagram profile
Link to your X profile
Link to your TikTok profile
What best describes you... *
What does your Patreon help you create?
Tell us a little bit about why you'd be a great ambassador and advocate for Patreon.
Tell us about your community.
Tell us about any challenges you've had or areas where you'd like more support from Patreon.
How likely are you to recommend Patreon to other creators?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Are you using any of Patreon's newer features like Free Membership, Chats, Collections, or Shops? *
Are you interested in early access, testing, or giving feedback on new product features that benefit your creative brand and business?  *
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