Why Should You Use The Squirrly SEO Plugin
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The Best WordPress Plugins for Search Engine Optimization for Your Website. You want to get your website found by potential customers, clients or patients. Or maybe you are an agency looking for the best intel on the newest options for improving your clients’ SEO. Our comprehensive, unsurpassed-in-detail plugin reviews and comparisons will ensure you make the right choice when selecting a WP SEO Plugin for your website.

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SEO Optimization For Voice Search
Whether you work for an internet marketing company or are simply trying to promote yourself, blogging is an extremely important component to any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign. Of all the blogging platforms, WordPress.org has proven itself a reliable and customizable way to easily create an SEO-friendly blog.

Let's take a look at five ways you can improve your WordPress to facilitate effective search engine marketing:

1. Fix Your Meta Info. By default, WordPress meta titles are not optimized for search engines. Download the All In One SEO Pack WordPress plugin and customize your meta titles to include your online marketing keywords up front.

2. Check Your Headers. Although usually very well-designed, many WordPress themes include flawed header tags throughout their coding. Ideally, you want to have one h1 on your page -- the title of your blog. The entry titles should be the only h2s, not the sidebar headings, which is often the case. The sidebar headings typically are higher than they should be, and should be downgraded to h4s or h5s.

3. Customize Your URLs. Ever notice how Homes.com comes up first when you Google homes? That's because a website's search engine performance can benefit from a keyword-rich URL. Make sure to customize your post URLs so that they are not strictly numerical.

For example, <a target=_new rel=
ofollow href=http://www.myblog.com/?p=1>http://www.myblog.com/?p=1</a> will not enhance your online marketing efforts, while URLs like <a target=_new rel=
ofollow href=http://www.myblog.com/11/10/my-keyword-enriched-title-here>http://www.myblog.com/11/10/my-keyword-enriched-title-here</a> will certainly have a positive effect on your campaign.

4. Boost Your Speed. Fast-loading pages are indexed more frequently, allowing the new content to reach search results pages very quickly. There are a number of WordPress plugins designed to shorten your load speed, including the popular WP-Super Cache.\n
5. Optimize Your Images. Unlike some blogging platforms, WordPress actually makes it extremely easy to optimize your images for search engine marketing. Before you upload an image, make sure to rename the file to reflect one of your keywords or keyphrases. After you upload it, place this same word or phrase as the your image's alt tag, title, and description.

Of course, improving your WordPress is only one step in creating a successful search engine marketing campaign. To best promote your business online, you'll have to combine these on page efforts with off page SEO and social networking. This includes building backlinks to your site from external pages, promoting your blog on classified networks and web directories, and creating profiles on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter. If this sounds intimidating, you might have to hire a search engine agency to promote your company for you -- a popular tactic for many businesses.
How Much Are SEO Services
How Much Are SEO Services
SEO Optimization Results
Title Format: The All in One SEO pack did a nice job of organizing the titles they way they should be written. Leave these fields alone unless you'd like to rearrange for a specific reason.
Blog SEO Optimization Tips
Having a website is only the beginning of successfully marketing online. Now you have to get people to visit (i.e. drive traffic) your spankin' new sparkly website. And you want to drive quality traffic - visitors who are actually your target market and are likely to buy from you.

Here are a few tips to increase traffic to your website:

Optimize your content. Identify keywords that are used to search for the type of products and services you offer and work them into the text on your site. This can help your SEO ranking. These keywords should ideally appear a few times in your titles, the first 1 - 2 paragraphs of the page, and sprinkled throughout the article. However, don't overdo it - Google will penalize your for that. If you have a WordPress site, get plugins such as All-In-One SEO or Yoast, which you can add SEO Title and Meta Keyword to all your posts and pages - this is great if getting the keywords into your title and articles is challenging.

To help you find the right keywords, use Google AdWords to get insight into which ones are more competitive and how many searches they get per month. You can try looking up phrases or questions - and use those phrases or questions as your blog title.

Use Alt Tags for Images. Search engine can't see image, but they can see alt tags just like html text. This is just as important as tagging the text if you want search engines to notice you.

Submit your website URL to search engine directories.

Add sharing buttons to your blog posts to help your fans spread the word for you - word of mouth of powerful.

Driving traffic to your site is only half the story, you also want to make your visitors stick around and return from time to time. Here are a few tips to help you do so:

Be mindful of your website's load time. Although it's not an issue for most, it does get frustrating when you have huge images, and unnecessary bells and whistles that make people wait forever (and that can be a matter of a few seconds in the land of the interwebs). If your visitors have to wait too long for each page to load, they may just run out of patience and leave. If you have codes (e.g. tracking) that can be placed either in the header or the footer area, put them in the footer area so that it won't affect the load time of the top part of your pages.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate so that your audience can find the relevant content quickly and easily. If they can't find what they need, they will get frustrated and leave, thinking that you don't have what they are looking for.

Write in simple and proper English - check your grammar and spelling, but avoid �ig words and jargons as much as you can. You can test your articles'
eadability score\u00A0here. Ideally, your score for grade level should be around 7 - 8 (means a 7 - 8 grader can understand), to make your articles easy to digest and accessible to most.
Image SEO Optimization And Keywords
Image SEO Optimization And Keywords
SEO Optimization On Wordpress
There are so many WordPress plugins to choose from, if you are new to blogging you may not know which ones will work best for you. Here is a list and explanation on just some of the most popular WordPress plugins available.
With Google Maps SEO Optimization
With Google Maps SEO Optimization
Wordpress SEO Optimization Url
WordPress first appeared in 2003 as is now used on thousands of websites. It is a simple open source blogging tool which is offered in two ways, either the hosted option or the free software download option.

WordPress offers many additional features which are otherwise know as WordPress plugins. These WordPress plugins allow you to customise your blog to suit both the audience and the genre of your website.

There are so many WordPress plugins to choose from, if you are new to blogging you may not know which ones will work best for you. Here is a list and explanation on just some of the most popular WordPress plugins available.

Top WordPress Plugins:

o All in one SEO pack - this WordPress plug in helps optimize your titles for search engines as well as generating automatic META tags. It gives you the opportunity to override titles and set any META keywords and description you want. Depending on the version of WordPress you are currently using ie 2.3 you can simply install this WordPress plugin and it will work straight away.

o Akismet - this is a fantastic tool which helps sort out the clutter of spam. Once installed, this WordPress plugin will check all of your comments against the Akismet web service to analyze if they look like spam or something genuine, it then allows you to review what has been found in the 'comments' section of your WordPress blog so that you can decide if you want to delete it or not.

o WordPress Stats - although there are many ways to capture data and stats regarding your website, most offer too much information especially if you are new to blogging. The WordPress stats system has been specially designed to focus on the most popular information a blogger needs.

o Twitter Tools - this plugin integrates your Twitter account with your WordPress blog. Twitter is a free micro-blogging and social networking service.

o Get Recent Comments - This plugin gives you full control over the appearance of excerpts of comments that are shown in your sidebar. You can determine the order, the number of excerpts and the length.

o DMSGuestbook - This guestbook can be easily customized allowing you to change not only the color but allows you to set mandatory fields where a user must fill out certain information. You can fully manage the user entries and edit/remove posts before they are shown.

o All In One Video Pack - This WordPress plugin offers every functionality you need for video and rich-media. It allows you to record/upload and import videos straight to your chosen post.

Each WordPress plugin has its own unique advantages and can really help to turn your blog into something user friendly. With so many plugins to choose from it is worth spending a bit of time searching through what is on offer and selecting the plugins that will benefit both you, your site and your readers.

New additions are constantly being added and developed so be sure to keep checking so that you do not miss out on something that could be of benefit.
Squirrly SEO Roadmap
Squirrly SEO Roadmap
What Aspects To On Page SEO Optimization
If you are familiar with WordPress you might have heard about the All in One SEO Pack. This plugin has numerous features that allow a blogger to improve his/her SEO performance by utilizing common SEO attributes.

This guide will go through the basics of the All in One SEO Pack, how to set each attribute up and what each attribute will do.

Install: Instead of downloading the plugin from the WordPress website, you can head into your Plugins menu within WordPress and do a simple search for All in One SEO. Or, you can search by popular plugins and it will be on the first page. Simply install and activate. The plugin will tell you that you need to Enable the plugin. Head to the left column again and towards the bottom you'll see All in One SEO. Click it to come to the plugin page.

Plugin Status: You need to Enable the plugin for it to work.

Home Title: This is the title visitors will see when they visit your blog. You need to play close attention to the title. For search engine purposes it's good to place keywords within your Home Page Title. However, it's not good to place too many. You need to take in account your visitors and how they will interoperate your title.

For example, if you ran a blog on How-To Guides for Plumbing, you might see a slight improvement in search engine traffic if your Home Page Title was Plumber's Paradise | Plumbing | Plumbers | Plumbing Help. However, your visitors might view this as something other than its intention - a How-To Guide. Therefore, creating a Home Page Title like Plumber's Paradise | How To Guides for Plumbing would generate a better visitor response.

Home Description: This is meta data placed within the code itself. You will not see the Home Description directly on your blog itself. Instead you will see the description on the SERP (search engine results page). See below. You need to keep the description to 160 characters or less as search engines will typically display no more. Use this as the summary of your blog in order to elaborate on what the user may find.

Home Keywords: These are your primary keywords associated with your blog. Hopefully, by this time you've done some research on the keywords you'd like to focus on within your niche. If you haven't done so you can use the Google Keyword Tool in order to gain some ground on a keyword's performance and competition level.

Type 8-10 keywords within the box, comma separated.

Canonical Titles: Leave it, don't touch it, never look at it again. Just kidding. If you aren't familiar with canonicalization, I suggest leaving this box checked. What this does is prevent your blog from serving duplicate content. When you create a website or blog, there are actually two versions of your website by default (www and non-www), each serving the same content. Because of this, the content online is indexed twice. Search engines do not like duplicate content. Therefore, you could be penalized unless corrected.

WordPress corrects this for you by creating a default URL. If a user types in your blog without using a www, the user will be directed to the www page. In essence, leaving this box checked, there is only one version of your blog to be found and indexed.

Rewrite Titles: WordPress, although great on many cases, didn't do so well on SEO for titles. Keeping this box checked allows you to rewrite your titles in a manner you see fit. The options below this checkbox will force WordPress to rewrite your titles in the manner specified.

Title Format: The All in One SEO pack did a nice job of organizing the titles they way they should be written. Leave these fields alone unless you'd like to rearrange for a specific reason.

The remaining options on this page should be left alone for any beginner WordPress user or SEO strategist. Once you become familiarize yourself with the plugin, you can take a stab at modifying these advanced options.

Individual Posts: These settings are found below each post within the Posts section of your blog. You will treat each of these sections the same you would the Home Title, Home Description, and Home Keywords. The difference is, they are customized for the post you are about to publish.
Can You Use The Squirrly SEO Plugin For Wordpress?
Having a website is only the beginning of successfully marketing online. Now you have to get people to visit (i.e. drive traffic) your spankin' new sparkly website. And you want to drive quality traffic - visitors who are actually your target market and are likely to buy from you.
Why Is SEO So Important
Why Is SEO So Important
SEO Optimization Tools Google
WordPress first appeared in 2003 as is now used on thousands of websites. It is a simple open source blogging tool which is offered in two ways, either the hosted option or the free software download option.

WordPress offers many additional features which are otherwise know as WordPress plugins. These WordPress plugins allow you to customise your blog to suit both the audience and the genre of your website.

There are so many WordPress plugins to choose from, if you are new to blogging you may not know which ones will work best for you. Here is a list and explanation on just some of the most popular WordPress plugins available.

Top WordPress Plugins:

o All in one SEO pack - this WordPress plug in helps optimize your titles for search engines as well as generating automatic META tags. It gives you the opportunity to override titles and set any META keywords and description you want. Depending on the version of WordPress you are currently using ie 2.3 you can simply install this WordPress plugin and it will work straight away.

o Akismet - this is a fantastic tool which helps sort out the clutter of spam. Once installed, this WordPress plugin will check all of your comments against the Akismet web service to analyze if they look like spam or something genuine, it then allows you to review what has been found in the 'comments' section of your WordPress blog so that you can decide if you want to delete it or not.

o WordPress Stats - although there are many ways to capture data and stats regarding your website, most offer too much information especially if you are new to blogging. The WordPress stats system has been specially designed to focus on the most popular information a blogger needs.

o Twitter Tools - this plugin integrates your Twitter account with your WordPress blog. Twitter is a free micro-blogging and social networking service.

o Get Recent Comments - This plugin gives you full control over the appearance of excerpts of comments that are shown in your sidebar. You can determine the order, the number of excerpts and the length.

o DMSGuestbook - This guestbook can be easily customized allowing you to change not only the color but allows you to set mandatory fields where a user must fill out certain information. You can fully manage the user entries and edit/remove posts before they are shown.

o All In One Video Pack - This WordPress plugin offers every functionality you need for video and rich-media. It allows you to record/upload and import videos straight to your chosen post.

Each WordPress plugin has its own unique advantages and can really help to turn your blog into something user friendly. With so many plugins to choose from it is worth spending a bit of time searching through what is on offer and selecting the plugins that will benefit both you, your site and your readers.

New additions are constantly being added and developed so be sure to keep checking so that you do not miss out on something that could be of benefit.
Tips For SEO Optimization
Tips For SEO Optimization
SEO Optimization For Businesses Cost
Rewrite Titles: WordPress, although great on many cases, didn't do so well on SEO for titles. Keeping this box checked allows you to rewrite your titles in a manner you see fit. The options below this checkbox will force WordPress to rewrite your titles in the manner specified.
For How To Do Onpage SEO Optimization
Whether you work for an internet marketing company or are simply trying to promote yourself, blogging is an extremely important component to any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign. Of all the blogging platforms, WordPress.org has proven itself a reliable and customizable way to easily create an SEO-friendly blog.

Let's take a look at five ways you can improve your WordPress to facilitate effective search engine marketing:

1. Fix Your Meta Info. By default, WordPress meta titles are not optimized for search engines. Download the All In One SEO Pack WordPress plugin and customize your meta titles to include your online marketing keywords up front.

2. Check Your Headers. Although usually very well-designed, many WordPress themes include flawed header tags throughout their coding. Ideally, you want to have one h1 on your page -- the title of your blog. The entry titles should be the only h2s, not the sidebar headings, which is often the case. The sidebar headings typically are higher than they should be, and should be downgraded to h4s or h5s.

3. Customize Your URLs. Ever notice how Homes.com comes up first when you Google homes? That's because a website's search engine performance can benefit from a keyword-rich URL. Make sure to customize your post URLs so that they are not strictly numerical.

For example, <a target=_new rel=
ofollow href=http://www.myblog.com/?p=1>http://www.myblog.com/?p=1</a> will not enhance your online marketing efforts, while URLs like <a target=_new rel=
ofollow href=http://www.myblog.com/11/10/my-keyword-enriched-title-here>http://www.myblog.com/11/10/my-keyword-enriched-title-here</a> will certainly have a positive effect on your campaign.

4. Boost Your Speed. Fast-loading pages are indexed more frequently, allowing the new content to reach search results pages very quickly. There are a number of WordPress plugins designed to shorten your load speed, including the popular WP-Super Cache.\n
5. Optimize Your Images. Unlike some blogging platforms, WordPress actually makes it extremely easy to optimize your images for search engine marketing. Before you upload an image, make sure to rename the file to reflect one of your keywords or keyphrases. After you upload it, place this same word or phrase as the your image's alt tag, title, and description.

Of course, improving your WordPress is only one step in creating a successful search engine marketing campaign. To best promote your business online, you'll have to combine these on page efforts with off page SEO and social networking. This includes building backlinks to your site from external pages, promoting your blog on classified networks and web directories, and creating profiles on popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter. If this sounds intimidating, you might have to hire a search engine agency to promote your company for you -- a popular tactic for many businesses.
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