Apply to Join Climate Change Economics


This workshop is ONLY open to high school and community college instructors of Economics in California.

When & Where?

  • The workshop will take place in person at UC Berkeley from July 15 - 19, 2024
  • The program will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day. 
  • After the end of the week, the participants will have an additional lesson writing task with due dates on July 31 and August 23, 2024.


Participants will each receive a $1200 stipend, contingent upon their full participation in the program (preparation, daily attendance, lesson-creation).


Participants may access housing in campus apartments for a fee of $750 for the week. This cost will be deducted from the participant stipend. Lodging will consist of a single bedroom/shared bathroom in an apartment with other program participants.


There is space for 10 participants. Participants will be selected on the basis of this application.

Application due date: April 26, 2024

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first name *
last name *
email address *
school email address *
If this is the same as above, please type it again.
What is the name of your school? *
What is the name of your school district? *
Where is your school located? (City) *
What is your school's CDS code? *
High school teachers, you can search for the code here:
Community college instructors, please type N/A.
How many years have you been teaching? *
If you are TOSA or otherwise currently outside the classroom, please select "other" and explain.
If you are accepted into the program, do you anticipate staying in university housing? *
Participants may access housing in campus apartments for a fee of $750 for the week. This cost will be deducted from the participant stipend. Lodging will consist of a single bedroom/shared bathroom in an apartment with other program participants. Participants will need to commit to a housing choice along with their acceptance of participation in the program.
Where do you teach? *
Please check all that apply.
What Economics course(s) do you teach? *
Please list course title(s).
Why are you interested in Climate Change Economics *
1800-character limit (~1 page, double-spaced)
How do you anticipate incorporating this material into your course(s)? For example, discuss specific units, lessons, projects, or new course-writing you anticipate doing.  *
1800-character limit (~1 page, double-spaced)
Do you have any hopes, questions, or concerns about the program that you would like to share? *
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