Annual Giving Pledge Form
The Charter Foundation provides facilities and funding for the Public Waldorf education offered by Sebastopol Charter School. While SCS is tuition-free, it is undeniably pledge-dependent. Because of this, The Charter Foundation asks that you commit to a monthly pledge donation PER STUDENT of $250/month, or at the highest amount possible for your family. Strong pledging keeps our school strong and able to serve our students best.

Ideally, EACH FAMILY understands the importance of Pledging and chooses to give generously at the level they can afford; EVERY pledge is deeply valuable and received with gratitude!
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Yes! We pledge our support to Sebastopol Charter School on behalf of (Student(s) name: *
Please list Pledging Parent(s) Name(s): *
Please list your current mailing address: *
Please list the primary pledging parent's best current phone number: *
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