SPIN GIRLS 2023-2024 program orientation 
Event Timing: Saturday, September 23rd from 10:00am - 11:30am 
Event Address: 3407 NE 2nd St., Renton, WA 98056
Contact us at spingirls@stempaths.org
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SPIN Girls 23-24 Program Dates
Name *
Email *
Are you a registered SPIN Girl *
Guardians are required to attend orientation with SPIN Girls students. What is the total number of guests attending orientation.  *
Will you need assistance logging into Apricot?  *
I would like to sign up to participate in a carpool *
I am willing to be a driver in a carpool for SPIN Girls program activities.  *
What city/neighborhood/area do you live in? *
What school district and school does the registered SPIN Girl attend?  *
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