Phone no. (mobile preferred) - will be used only in the unlikely event of very last minute changes to arrangements
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Email address *
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Are you a member of the EMFS? (Join us online at Membership costs £13 for the year to end August). *
If you are not already on the free EMFS mailing list, would you like to be added in? You will receive weekly email updates re early music concerts, workshops etc.
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Which voice part will you sing? *
Billing *
Payment: Bank details - Early Music Forum of Scotland, Cooperative Bank, Sort code 08-92-99, Account no. 65690662. Reference CHSEPT24 *
Do you have any access requirements? If so, please detail below.
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Anything else we should know?
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If you are not on the EMFS mailing list, please tell us how you found out about the choir