Quooker Company Visit
On Thursday 12 October we will visit Quooker.

Quooker is well on its way to conquering the world. Together with 500 colleagues, we are working hard to further develop the tap that does it all, but also to come up with new innovations. We have our own factory in Ridderkerk where we make all our products, and we also develop all our factory machines. The technical teams we have at Quooker: R&D, Quality, Manufacturing, Engineering and Automation. During the excursion, we will give you a tour of the factory and a case study that gives an impression of what working at Quooker looks like. We hope to see you there!

The bus will leave at 12:45 and we will be back in Delft at 18:30.
Participants will receive 2 colloquium points and lunch will be provided by Quooker!

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I confirm my presence on the 12th of October

*Please note that by filling in this form you confirm your presence, so double check your agenda. We have a limited amount of available spots so we want to avoid last-minute cancellations that might leave empty spots.

If you can't attend let us know well in advance so we can give your spot to someone else!
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