Imaginarium: Community Painting Workshop, March 11, 2:00-3:30pm
Did you know that painting is good for your health? Painting can reduce stress, improve memory and communication skills, boost your mood, and foster innovation. Who knew? But now you do, so practice a little self-care and join us for a painting workshop, where we will stretch our imagination muscles and paint in community. We will “paint” with paints, markers, crayons, colored pencils, pastels…  bring your favorite medium or whatever you have on hand!

Imaginarium: Creative Expression for Everyone is a series of hands-on workshops providing an opportunity for students and other community members to explore the place of creative expression in their lives, tapping into self knowledge and building skills for our current and future planet. Participants create their own works in each session and have the option to create a portfolio of their projects on the BMCC OpenLab.

Future workshops
Monday, March 29, 3pm- 4:30pm - Zines
Tuesday, April 20, 12pm-1:30pm - Comics/Animation
Thursday, May 13, 1pm-2:30pm - Audio/Podcast Recording

Brought to you by the A. Philip Randolph Library. For questions or more information contact: Sharell Walker,

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