Emergency Contact Card
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Building *
Room *
Student Phone *
Student Email *
Sport  *
Emergency Contact 1
First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Student *
Phone  *
E-Mail *
Emergency Contact 2
First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Student *
Phone *
E-Mail *
Medical Information
Food Allergies *
Please list the specific food if you selected "Other."
Environmental Allergies *
Please list the specific environmental allergy if you selected "Other."
Medication Allergies *
Please list the specific medication if you selected "Other."
Do you require an epinephrine shot for any of your allergies? *
If so, where do you keep your epinephrine shot?
Do you have a cardiac or heart condition? *
If you experience heart attack symptoms or go into cardiac arrest, what actions can our staff take to help you?
Do you have a condition that may causes seizures? *
If you have a seizure, what actions should our staff take to help you?
Do you have asthma? *
If so, where do you keep your inhaler(s)?
If you have an asthma attack, what actions should our staff take to help you?
Do you have diabetes or hypoglycemia? *
If your blood sugar begins to drop, what actions can our staff take to help you?
If you have any other serious medical condition that we should know about, please list them in the box below along with what our staff can do to help. If you do not, please put N/A. *
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