QUESTION QUIZ: How Much Do Traffic Jams ...
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1. Do car accidents cause heavy traffic flow in the USA? *
10 points
2. Who causes such heavy traffic flows on the roads? *
10 points
3. What happens to a car at the very end of the traffic flow? *
10 points
4. What prolongs the traffic jam? *
10 points
5. What problems are caused by heavy traffic jams? *
10 points
6. What is tailgating? *
10 points
7. Why autonomous cars could be the solution to ease traffic jams? *
10 points
8. Which company wants to create a fully-automated car by the end of 2020? *
10 points
9. Why does Elon Musk want to build hyperloop tube between San Fransisco and Los Angeles? *
10 points
10. How might you want to travel in the future in order to avoid heavy traffic? *
10 points
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