MPL Kids Book Bundles
Tight on time and can't make it to the library? Have a kiddo who doesn't know what to read next? Or do you just need to get those AR points? Order yourself a Book Bundles today! 

Fill out the form with your information, tell us your child's age, and we'll put together a bundle of around 6 books just for your child! 

We'll call or email you when your Book Bundle is ready for pick up!
Pick up is at our drive-thru window from Monday - Friday: 10AM - 5:30PM or at the Main Library Children's Desk during regular library hours.

Questions? Call us at (956) 681-3010!
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Adult Name (First and Last) *
Library Card Number (If you don't know it, give us a call at (956) 681-3010. *
Would you prefer a phone call or email when your books are ready for pickup? *
Would you like to pick up your bundle at our drive-thru or at the children's department desk? *
Phone Number
Email Address
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