Registration for SW Conference & ASDIC Offerings
ASDIC Study Dialogue Circles

ASDIC Circles are designed to provide you with an in-depth experience to better understand the ways race and racism operate in all of our lives. They will give you greater clarity of thinking, strength of relationship, and effectiveness of action in addressing systemic racism.

The Circle requires a significant time commitment, meeting for ten weekly 3.5 sessions. Our guiding text is The White Racial Frame, 3rd edition, 2020, by Joe R. Feagin, with additional readings provided in the ASDIC Manual. Each week we gather to create a safe place for risk-taking, community formation, and acting with care and confidence. The experience includes readings and videos, large and small group discussions, the sharing of our personal stories, and practicing skills to show up and speak up when racism occurs. For more information, visit our website -

Antiracist transformation, we believe, results from

1.    Purpose driven objectives that determine the content of the curriculum, 2.    Evidenced based practices of dialogue and facilitation, 3.    A philosophy of education that values reflection, critical analysis, emotional expression, and the transfer of learning into an action plan (praxis) 4.    A community (circle) of participants open to learning and being transformed by what they learn, evidenced in new ways of thinking and acting, first within the circle and then in other relationships and contexts, 5.    A dialogue culture that communicates respect and acceptance, compassion and empathy

ASDIC Workshops offerings for the fall and spring
* each workshop set has two sessions that are 3 hours long on two Wednesdays per month
Set 1: Denial, Polarization, Minimization

1. Encountering Difference (October) 2. Encountering Ourselves (November) 3. Telling and Perceiving the Story of Our Perceptions (January)

Set 2: Acceptance and Adaptation

1. Seeing, Accepting, Responding to Social-Cultural Conditioning (February) 2. Cross-Cultural Communication & Inclusivity [Inter-Ethnic and Cross-Cultural/Racial and Mediation of Conflict & Difference (March) 3. The Doctrine of Discovery & Legacy of Colonialism (May)

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Registration for the fall ASDIC Study Dialogue Circle
* Note Circle 1 is reserved for Clergy. For more information on the Study Dialogue Circles visit our website -
Registration for the ASDIC Workshops
* You can sign up for multiple workshops - each workshop is 2 sessions at three hours each
Do you have any interest in your congregation working directly with ASDIC in the future? 
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