Harpenden Sinfonia Play Day - Saturday 26 October 2024
£10 per player for the afternoon (subs will be requested at a later stage).

13:30 - 17:00 - Bach Concerto in A major for Oboe d'amore, Bach Sinfonia in F major

If you have any other questions, please email: harpendensinfonia@gmail.com.
Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number (optional, but useful):
Instrument (select all that apply): *
Part/Instrument Preferences (please add if necessary):
Please provide a summary of your playing experience and any ensembles that you play/have played with. This will help with allocating parts etc.

N.B. If you have already contacted Harpenden Sinfonia to play in the first play day or expressed an interest to play in future dates, just say so, you details have already been recorded.
If you have not played with us before, please add a few details in the box below.
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