DCLA 2022/2023 Executive Board Nominations
The District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA) is seeking library workers and supporters who are interested in serving the local community of library and information science professionals through the DCLA Executive Board. There are many great opportunities to develop your leadership skills, network, and advance your career.

Explore each role's duties at dcla.org

March 18 - May 1 | Nominations Accepted
May 9 - June 17 | DCLA Elections (Current Members Only)
June 21 | 2020/2021 DCLA Executive Board Announcement

Current DCLA members may self-nominate or nominate others. Student members are eligible to be nominated. If you're membership has lapsed you can still nominate yourself, you'll just need to renew your membership prior to the election. Contact Past President Tracy Sumler at tracy.sumler@dc.gov with questions.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Current Job Title *
Employer or Institution (if student) *
Select the roles you/your nominee would be interested in (one or multiple).
Provide a short (3-5 sentence) explanation of why you/the nominee would be interested in the position(s) on the DCLA Executive Board. *
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