Kitchen Assistant, Dishwasher
Must have experience in kitchen and/ or have an extensive knowledge of ramen or Asian food preparation.
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Email *
Contact Number *
Date of Application *
Name. Last, First *
Address *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Which location? *
What other languages do you speak? *
Position applying for: Check any that apply. *
Salary Desired. Please be specific. *
Please indicate which times you are available. Morning Shift 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Night Shift 4:00 PM to 11:30 PM, or Both. Check any that apply. *
How many hours can you work weekly? *
Employment desired. *
Education History
Please list  all educational history, including a list of schools attended (Name and Address) # of years completed, and any major or degrees.
High School- Name, Address, and Years Completed *
High School- Degree or Diploma received and Year Graduated *
College- Name, Address, and Years Completed *
College- Degree or Diploma received and Year Graduated *
Have you been convicted of a crime? *
If yes, please explain number of conviction(s), nature of offenses(s) leading to  conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) was /were committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation. *
Do you have a Driver's License? *
State  Issued Driver's License. Ex. Texas *
What is your mode of transportation? *
Have you served in the US Armed Forces? *
Military History
If yes, please list your specialty, date entered, and discharged date as appropriate.
Military History
Work Experience
Please provide a list of work experience from the most recent to the least recent for the last 5 years. Please include the Employer's address, name of supervisor, Dates of Employment, Salary, Title, and reason for leaving.
Work Experience *
Work Experience *
Work Experience *
Work Experience *
Additional Information
Please summarize any additional information necessary to describe your qualifications for the specific position you are applying for.
Additional Information *
May we contact your current employer? *
Did you complete this application yourself? *
References: List minimum of 2 references. Name, Contact Number, and Relationship to you. *
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