Columbia Journal of Asia Launch Event: RSVP
Please register here to attend the Columbia Journal of Asia (CJA) inaugural launch event, scheduled from 2:30-4pm on Friday, April 29, 2022. The event will be hosted in a hybrid-format, with an in-person component for Columbia community members hosted in Fayerweather 411, and a zoom option for all other interested participants. The zoom link will be sent in advance of the event to all who have registered!

The event will feature presentations from our authors and editors, alongside a panel discussion with Columbia and Barnard faculty on the CJA Advisory Board and open Q&A. More information about CJA can be found at
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What is your name? *
What is your email? (If you are affiliated with a university, please give your institutional email) *
Do you plan to attend in-person (in Fayerweather 411) or on zoom? *
OPTIONAL: Do you have any questions for our faculty panel regarding their scholarship on Asia and the Asian diaspora?
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