New Outlooks In Sonic Environmental Resilience (NOISE®) Final Event

Event Title: New Outlooks In Sonic Environmental Resilience
Event organisers: Vincent Baptist, Sahar Asadollahi Asl Zarkhah, Rosa de Kruif.

Event Date and Time: Friday 21 June 2024, 17:00-20:00 CET

Event Location: Verhalenhuis Belvédère, Rechthuislaan 1, 3072 LB, Rotterdam-Katendrecht


You are warmly invited to join us as we unveil the installation of urban sound in the public spaces of Katendrecht, featuring a fusion of soft maps by artist Nena Pepels and recordings capturing the soundscape of the neighborhood. The event will take place at Verhalenhuis Belvédère, a community hub that warmly welcomes local residents who have contributed invaluable input to our project.

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