Mendota Days 2015 Parade Application
*Greetings from Mendota! The Mendota Day Committee is pleased to invite your organization to submit an application to participate in our Parade and have a "Booth" during Mendota Day.
The parade will begin promptly at noon on July 11th, 2015 starting at St. Peter's Church on Highway 13 and ending just after the VFW.
Parade line-up begins at 11:00 a.m. at Church of St Peter’s parking lot in Mendota (1405 Highway 13).

If you would like your organization to have table/booth/activity after the parade for fundraising/demonstrating/publicizing let us know what ideas you have.

Please Note:
If your unit has animals, you must have a clean-up crew. No alcoholic beverages allowed on parade units

Comments or Ideas? Contact the Mendota Days Committee
Melody Rasmussen (651)-454-6442 Email:
Trevor Perron-Miska (952)-607-0494
Kathy Krotter (612)-803-0517
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