Titanium Tigers Workshop Interest Form
Do you like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)? Are you interested in robotics? Over the summer, would you like to attend STEM workshops hosted by CHHS's robotics team, the Titanium Tigers?

We, the Titanium Tigers, are a high school robotics team, based at Chapel Hill high school, and each year we compete in the international FIRST Robotics Competition. For 5 months, January - April, we work to build an entire robot from scratch, and compete!! 
What programs do we offer?
- Mechanical engineering
- Design using CAD software
- Programming using Java
- Grant writing and outreach planning
- Electrical engineering
Interested in joining us over the summer? Anyone can join us!
- No experience needed
- No cost
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What is your name?
What school do you attend?
What grade will you be during the 2024-2025 school year?
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What STEM fields are you most interested in?
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