Is Rank Math Safe To Use On Any Website
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Section One

What is SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization gets your page higher up the pages of results when someone searches the topic pertaining to your site. Hopefully you make the front page, and if you are very lucky.... the first result is the top prize in this business.

Section Two

SEO Scams.

Now that you know what SEO is, here is what to look out for.

If there are companies charging to do something, there will always be those who are trying to scam newcomers. Here are things to look out for.

The whole idea of SEO is to rank high on something that is searched often. If they rank you first on something they made up, your ranked 1 of 1... and no one will ever know. A good SEO job will get you ranked high on frequently searched keywords. Carefully, very carefully chosen keywords.

I am sure you have thought about these and it is a good thing you decided against it. Putting your site on a few of these is like blacklisting yourself. These are mostly just spam sites, and if you want your site to be thrown in that mix than you might as well just go ahead and do it yourself. Don't pay someone to ruin your credibility.

You may get the offer to post your own articles on their website so they can link to you as the expert. This seems like it would work, and in theory it will, except that if you ever get the traffic not only will you need these articles, but there is no guarantee that these stay linked to you. Since you wrote them, you might want to keep the credit for them.

I know the last one is still up for debate with many people. They are okay with the fact that they may be thrown aside at some point, but just want the traffic while the going is good. I believe that if you are doing things right, and they are too, then everything should remain on your site and the links to you will end up in community forums or some other area of public interest.

Section Three



An rss feed is a great addition to any website, but having an rss feed also helps with your sites SEO.

As a starting point, viewing your own RSS gives you a general idea of the keywords that are being used to find you and cache your pages.

An rss feed also creates backlinks with keywords that you get to decide for yourself! If only you could always have control over what is said about your site.


Google sees that your RSS feed says Football Standings as the title and it has a link. Google then assumes that it is pretty safe to say your site has something to do with football standings. (as it should)

Creating an rss feed gives Google this information, but the titles are controlled by you. This means that you can carefully choose your wording to make sure you control what Google thinks you are.

The more places you can get your rss feed linked to, or the more pages you can post it on the better. All of these sites are now linking to you with the links and keywords you have provided.

Traffic to Competition Ratio

For those that do not like throwing math into things, this article is done and I hope it helped you. If you are interested to know how math will help your site rank higher please keep reading.

I know it might sound odd, but sometimes picking your keywords can come down to cold hard math.

Lets take 'green car' and 'red car' as our two examples. Maybe you are deciding what car you want to feature for your used car site. Lets to the math.

Green car:

60,500 searches a month in google.

1,620,000 sites to compete with.

Red car:

110,000 searches a month in google.

1,520,000 sites to compete with.

If you go by YEARLY searches, that's 1,320,000 for red and 726,000 for green.

Without having to do the math to follow along... the short version is:


hits per year / Google results = 0.45


hits per year / Google results = 0.87

So, there is more demand for red cars (almost double) and less competition (100k sites less)

This is an obvious decision which you probably wouldn't bother even do the math for, but if your two keywords have very similar demand, you may have to compare the Google results to decide what to go with.

Remember, not only do you want to be ranked first, you want to be ranked first with keywords that people actually care about.

I will do a set of mine as a template for you. If you can't follow along don't be discouraged.

3600 site hits a month as per Google Keywords

3600 x 12 gives you the yearly search average

43200 is the yearly search average.

33300 sites in the Google search result.

43200 / 33300 = 1.3

recap: (3600 x 12) / 33300 = 1.3
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Most likely the ROI on this example will be higher than calculated. Consider that once this customer has found you, purchased from you and is satisfied with this result, they may come back to you. Your SEO effort will result in future sales from this new customer. Add in the possibility that this customer may also give you word of mouth referrals as well and the ROI pushes higher.
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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

In order to understand the value of SEO, we first need to have an understanding of what SEO is. Without going into the technical details of the SEO process, I offer the following definition:

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is the process of getting a website to show up in the top results of a search engine such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo for a meaningful search phrase that will increase traffic to the website. If a website ranks well for a meaningful search phrase, it is considered to be optimized for that search term.

I stress meaningful search phrase, because if you optimize for a phrase that nobody will be using in their searches, there is nobody to find you and the SEO process will not deliver any real results. In other words, nothing in equals nothing out. A meaningful phrase is one that has a high potential for being used by the population of searchers when searching the web for a product or service.

Armed with a search phrase, known as a keyword in the business of SEO, which is meaningful, we can now explore the potential of a site optimized for this keyword.

SEO Works For Your Small Business

Your company website is an advertisement for your business. As such, it needs to be seen just like any other form of advertisement in order to be effective. Not only do we want quantity of viewership but also we want quality viewers, ones who are likely to respond to the advertisement once it has been seen.

Unlike many forms of advertising both on and off the web, a website that is optimized will be viewed often and by a highly targeted audience. Because a search user is actively looking for your product or service, they are already in the mindset to buy as long as they can find what they are looking for. The odds of making the sale to this type of ad viewer is already far increased over a viewer of more passive advertising media such as print ads, radio, and television. In passive advertising, the viewer is not looking for the product in the moment and success is only achieved in a small percentage of cases.

The user of a search tool is primed and ready to buy, but this potential buyer has to find your website in order to learn about your business offerings and then ultimately contact you to make a purchase.

Being found through internet searches will directly contribute to your bottom line. E-commerce sites and other online business hybrids with online as well as brick and mortar units understand this very well and invest heavily in SEO and other online marketing. It is vital for their business that they do so. To understand why, let's look at some of the numbers.

From published academic studies measuring a search user's behavior and even how their eye moves across the search results page and other industry data, we know that websites that show up on the first page of a search engine will get slightly less than 90% of the clicks. The listings on page 2 account for nearly 10% of the remaining total clicks, leaving less than 1% for pages 3 and beyond. In other words, most of the action is on page 1. Over 60% of the action is in the top 3 listings. 42% goes to the #1 spot alone.

While companies that earn all or a significant portion of their revenue from the web understand the benefits of SEO, most small businesses fail to utilize this tool to promote their business. You don't have to be a big national company or be an e-commerce company to benefit from an SEO effort. For a modest cost, small businesses can conduct their own SEO campaigns which will reap a positive Return On their Investment. To understand how small business can benefit, let's go through a real world example:

Doing The Math

Example: A small business selling pipe fittings optimized for the keyword Steel Pipe Fittings.

Google tells us that on average there are 22,200 searches per month for the keyword Steel Pipe Fittings. Using the 42% figure for the #1 spot, the top site would expect around 9,324 visits to their web site each month.

(22,220 x 0.42) = 9,324. for this search term

Out of these 9,324 visitors, some number of these visitors will make a purchase. The rate at which a visit to a web site converts to a purchase is called the conversion rate. Conversion rates vary by industry, but on the low end of most industry conversion rates a 1.5% rate is safe assumption.

9,324 visitors converting at 1.5% will yield 140 new purchases from customers who just found your company and your product mostly likely for the first time. Why first time customers? If the customer was already aware of your business and has done business with you, they most likely would not be searching for you again on the web using Steel Pipe Fittings term. They will already know you.

A small business SEO campaign in the year 2011 will cost about $300/month to conduct. Some firms may charge less and some firms will charge more. But for $300/month, your company can receive competent SEO services that will positively affect your rankings in search engines and your bottom line.

Profit levels vary quite a bit from product to product and company to company so I can't come up with a one size fits all ROI number in this article. However we can calculate at what profit does the SEO result above break even. For this example, $300 per month / 140 new customers = $2.14 per customer break even. In other words, if your average profit per new customer is $2.14 or above, you have a positive ROI on this SEO effort. Most businesses are likely to have a higher profit than this example, thus the ROI will be extremely higher.

Most likely the ROI on this example will be higher than calculated. Consider that once this customer has found you, purchased from you and is satisfied with this result, they may come back to you. Your SEO effort will result in future sales from this new customer. Add in the possibility that this customer may also give you word of mouth referrals as well and the ROI pushes higher.

The ROI will be even higher if you rank high on multiple keywords. Most small business SEO programs at the $300 level offer optimization for multiple keywords. Let's further assume in this example the website also reached #1 rank for Brass Pipe Fittings and Iron Pipe Fittings:

Brass Pipe Fittings with 4,400 monthly searches would yield 28 more customers each month. Similarly Iron Pipe Fittings with 9,900 searches will add, using the same formula as above, 62 more customers. In total we get 230 new customers with these three keywords. Break even is now at $1.30. Add more keywords in top ranks and the ROI goes even higher.

To be fair, you will have to invest in the optimization of your website for several months before you attain high rankings for your keywords. Thus in the short run you may have zero ROI at the start, but as the campaign runs over time, the results will improve and will move the ROI up. In short you have to invest for the future results.

In the above analysis I used conservative numbers. For example I could have used the key word Pipe Fittings with 246,000 searches per month which yields over 1,500 new customers per the formula above. It may be possible to rank at #1 for Pipe Fittings, but this would be a more difficult task taking a longer time period to achieve. The 42% rate of clicks for the #1 position may be low. Some other studies say it is as high as 59% which would yield even higher ROI. The point is that even if you use conservative assumptions, it is easy to demonstrate a positive ROI on your SEO efforts.

The Bottom Line

SEO works for small businesses by bringing more visitors to your web site. Your results will vary based on the nature of your business and your industry, but in almost all cases there is a positive return on investment when the right keywords are chosen and your website contains content that is attractive to your potential buyers. To get a more detailed analysis of your situation, you can contact a SEO professional.
Is Rank Math Safe To Use On Any Website
Is Rank Math Safe To Use On Any Website
Smartcrawl Vs Rank Math
The 3rd and final factor has nothing to do with links but is important. Search Engines try to give the most relevant results to the consumer when they type a phrase or word into the search terms. So making your website relevant to the targeted phrase is very important, I see websites on a daily basis that do not have their targeted keyword anywhere on the site. This should not be.
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Well a lot of people prioritize affordability, be it on Search Engine marketing or PPC advertising. It could be the affordability of the marketing tools used, the effort which is involved in comparison to the results obtainable from the two above mentioned strategies. In this article we are going to take a closer look and analyse both search engine marketing and Pay Per Click advertising.

The majority of online marketers believe that search engine marketing is really cheap, especially considering the fact that if done properly, it has the potential of giving one a lot of free traffic. To a certain extent, i also believe that it is really true. If one gets his/her website on the first page of Google and or Yahoo [which is said to have been overtaken by Bing], then one can truly forget engaging in Pay Per Click marketing.

For a moment, let us take a look at a synopsis of the process of search engine marketing to see if it is really that low cost. Firstly, you have to do a thorough research of the various keywords which users use to search for your product or service. For this, you can use a lot of free keyword research tools available on the net, the most popular being the Google keyword tool. Thus far no money has been spent. However, perfectionist marketers always go a step further to invest in some expensive search engine marketing tools which tend to give them a thorough analysis of the various keyword phrases customers have used over a longer period of time. Most free tools will only give you one month results. After spending so much money, usually your site might not make it to the first page of Google. In other words, not only money has been spent, but time and effort as well.

The next step could be building a well optimised, content rich website. This process is rarely an overnight job. You have to burn the midnight oil to get it right. Once the website is up and running, you have to go through another long process of link building so that your site can be crawled, indexed and ranked high by the search engines. Depending on your niche, this might mean building a couple of hundreds or even thousands of the best quality links pointing back to your site. 100 articles and 100 blog comments might not even take your site to page 5 of Google, let alone the time it might take for the site to be indexed [ in some cases 6 months ]. Would we be wrong to say that during this tiring process of search engine marketing, you are not making money, and you are also losing money if we are to compare you to another marketer who sets up a site in 3 days and start advertising using pay-per-click advertising?

Even so, most people would have invested in high cost search engine marketing tools which promises them that the site will be on the first page of Google within a certain period of time. The cost might range from a couple of hundreds to a few thousands of dollars. Is this really affordable and worth the effort?On three different occasions we used three different search engine marketing tools with such guarantees. Two of them delivered, the other one failed to live to its promises. With the other one, our site was on the first page of Google within 3weeks. It stayed there for 3 weeks, that was it and it was moved to page 6 after that. When we contacted the company, they told us to invest $29, 99 so that we would get a thousand more back links.


Roughly, the process of paid advertising involves setting up a website, keyword research and advertising. Please note that there are other small steps involved in between but they are not all that time consuming. One good thing about pay-per-click advertising is that even if your site is not well optimized and does not rank high on any search engine, you still get traffic because you are paying for it. Depending on how good and enticing your adverts are, you are even more likely to receive targeted traffic.

You can invest in some affordable PPC marketing tools with most of them going for less than hundred dollars and in some cases as low as twenty dollars. Besides spending money on PPC keyword optimization tools and tracking softwares [which are again low-cost], you need to come up with a budget so as to compete in the bidding game. In some cases, you may pay 5 cents per click or even 5 dollars depending on how competitive your niche is.

If you pay 5 dollars per click and say you need at least 100 clicks to get one sale, that means a single sale will roughly cost you five hundred dollars. If you are selling a product which costs $300, you are definitely running a lose. On the other hand, if your product costs $300 and you are paying 5 cents per click, you may spend $50 to get a sale thereby making a profit of approximately two hundred and fifty dollars. Forgive me if my maths is wrong, i studied the subject for 11 years and never passed [lol].


In conclusion, one can safely say that the affordability of these marketing strategies is disputable. If you hire a search engine optimization consultant, invest in the necessary search engine marketing tools, then you are spending money which might bring you sales over a period of say two weeks. The process of building a well optimized, good ranking site takes. Link building strategies could take time and TIME IS MONEY. However, once achieved, the fruits would be ripe and delicious. When you build the links you are also marketing your business which is really worth it.

On the other hand, with pay-per-click advertising, you can start making money 'as soon as the site is up and running'. If you are selling high value products which are really on demand, this might be the best way to go whilst you slowly implement search engine marketing. However if you are selling a product which costs less than less than $50 and you need to spend more than that amount to get a sale then forget it and stick to search engine marketing. Both ways are affordable depending on your niche, type of product, but search engine marketing seems to have more advantages.
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Rank Math Latest Version
Rank Math SEO Breadcrumbs
There are usually 3 main mistakes that most people make that keep them from getting the most of their Google SEO. They may not seem like big issues to a person who has the ability to reason, but we have to keep in mind that search engines are programs and they lack the ability to reason. They only do as they are programmed to do, nothing more.

The Great News is that these common mistakes are generally easy to cure if you know what to do. We will now go through the 3 steps to check for these problems and how to correct them so that you will gain favor with the search engine that is considered the Crown Jewel of the Internet and SEO.

The 1st step is to check your links for proper anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable text of the links or Link Title of the links on other websites linking back to your site. This is the most common mistake that I see when approached by webmasters that can't seem to hit the mark with Google. Let's cover this a little better. When you acquire links on others sites through link exchange, articles, or the many other methods you use to get inbound links to your website. The clickable text that is hyperlinked to your website needs to be your keyword or phrase, nothing more. If you want your website to rank for Houston mortgage then you need the clickable text to read Houston mortgage, not: Mortgage loans in the Houston Texas market by You just made that link of very little effect. Do you think anyone will do a search for Mortgage loans in the Houston Texas market by I think not. Keep your links simple with just your phrase or keywords, nothing more. You can put the rest of the information in the description in plain text.

The next Mistake is where you get links from. Yes there are wrong places to get links and Google knows the difference. The value of links has as many as 100 different factors when being valued by Google. It is not like the old days when any link from any site carried a lot of weight. Now, do not take this out of context. All links have value, it is just that some links have more value than others and links from similar or related websites have a much higher value than non related links. Let's use a simple example. For our example we will use a scale of 1 through 10 to value links. You have a website about frogs and you get a website that is about birds to place a link to your website. Since it is from a site about birds we value the link at 2 out of 10. Your competitor has just 1 link also but he/she has a link pointing to their website from a website about frog figurines. So we place the value of this link at 7.You both have only 1 link and he is ahead of you, with the current scale, if you keep getting non relevant links how many would you need to beat him? Just using simple math I would say at least 3 more with a value of 2 or just 1 more from a related site with your keywords in it and a value of 8. Calculating links is fairly simple and is needed to know how many and what kind of links you need.

The 3rd and final factor has nothing to do with links but is important. Search Engines try to give the most relevant results to the consumer when they type a phrase or word into the search terms. So making your website relevant to the targeted phrase is very important, I see websites on a daily basis that do not have their targeted keyword anywhere on the site. This should not be.

The first thing is to get your target keyword or phrase into the title tag, in the alt tags, and in the content a few times. You need to have a keyword density of about 4 to 6 % on average. To put this in layman terms, if you have 100 words on your page you need your keyword or phrase in the content 4 to 6 times and it should read natural. Going above these percentages might draw a flag from the search engine, Better safe than sorry. Now there are circumstances where it could be higher or lower. A good way to gage this is to go look at the top 10 sites and see what their keyword density levels are.

Hint. Find out what the top 10 sites are doing and do it just a little better. If they have a keyword density of 5 % then you go to 6 %. If they have 200 links that you would rate at 5 on the scale we used, then you need 250 at 5 on our scale or 125 at 10 on our scale.

This is all common sense. Just keep it simple and always remember that SEO is not rocket science. It is a time consuming process but worth the effort.

There are many other factors that weigh in on the SEO process and this is not a cure all for your SEO woes, but will help you get the basics of SEO working in your favor.
Rank Math SEO Google Analytics
Lets do the math if forty percent of your ranking id determined by on page factors which is primarily based on keywords in all the right places on your pages. The other sixty percent of search engine rank is based on keywords appearing in anchor text pointing back to your website - it would be safe to say. The entire success of your website business is based on finding the right keywords to build your business around. So it would not be a stretch by any means to say if you fail to do keyword properly then you are just setting the stage for failure.
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Yoast Vs Rank Math Or Not
Sitemap Con Rank Math
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

In order to understand the value of SEO, we first need to have an understanding of what SEO is. Without going into the technical details of the SEO process, I offer the following definition:

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is the process of getting a website to show up in the top results of a search engine such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo for a meaningful search phrase that will increase traffic to the website. If a website ranks well for a meaningful search phrase, it is considered to be optimized for that search term.

I stress meaningful search phrase, because if you optimize for a phrase that nobody will be using in their searches, there is nobody to find you and the SEO process will not deliver any real results. In other words, nothing in equals nothing out. A meaningful phrase is one that has a high potential for being used by the population of searchers when searching the web for a product or service.

Armed with a search phrase, known as a keyword in the business of SEO, which is meaningful, we can now explore the potential of a site optimized for this keyword.

SEO Works For Your Small Business

Your company website is an advertisement for your business. As such, it needs to be seen just like any other form of advertisement in order to be effective. Not only do we want quantity of viewership but also we want quality viewers, ones who are likely to respond to the advertisement once it has been seen.

Unlike many forms of advertising both on and off the web, a website that is optimized will be viewed often and by a highly targeted audience. Because a search user is actively looking for your product or service, they are already in the mindset to buy as long as they can find what they are looking for. The odds of making the sale to this type of ad viewer is already far increased over a viewer of more passive advertising media such as print ads, radio, and television. In passive advertising, the viewer is not looking for the product in the moment and success is only achieved in a small percentage of cases.

The user of a search tool is primed and ready to buy, but this potential buyer has to find your website in order to learn about your business offerings and then ultimately contact you to make a purchase.

Being found through internet searches will directly contribute to your bottom line. E-commerce sites and other online business hybrids with online as well as brick and mortar units understand this very well and invest heavily in SEO and other online marketing. It is vital for their business that they do so. To understand why, let's look at some of the numbers.

From published academic studies measuring a search user's behavior and even how their eye moves across the search results page and other industry data, we know that websites that show up on the first page of a search engine will get slightly less than 90% of the clicks. The listings on page 2 account for nearly 10% of the remaining total clicks, leaving less than 1% for pages 3 and beyond. In other words, most of the action is on page 1. Over 60% of the action is in the top 3 listings. 42% goes to the #1 spot alone.

While companies that earn all or a significant portion of their revenue from the web understand the benefits of SEO, most small businesses fail to utilize this tool to promote their business. You don't have to be a big national company or be an e-commerce company to benefit from an SEO effort. For a modest cost, small businesses can conduct their own SEO campaigns which will reap a positive Return On their Investment. To understand how small business can benefit, let's go through a real world example:

Doing The Math

Example: A small business selling pipe fittings optimized for the keyword Steel Pipe Fittings.

Google tells us that on average there are 22,200 searches per month for the keyword Steel Pipe Fittings. Using the 42% figure for the #1 spot, the top site would expect around 9,324 visits to their web site each month.

(22,220 x 0.42) = 9,324. for this search term

Out of these 9,324 visitors, some number of these visitors will make a purchase. The rate at which a visit to a web site converts to a purchase is called the conversion rate. Conversion rates vary by industry, but on the low end of most industry conversion rates a 1.5% rate is safe assumption.

9,324 visitors converting at 1.5% will yield 140 new purchases from customers who just found your company and your product mostly likely for the first time. Why first time customers? If the customer was already aware of your business and has done business with you, they most likely would not be searching for you again on the web using Steel Pipe Fittings term. They will already know you.

A small business SEO campaign in the year 2011 will cost about $300/month to conduct. Some firms may charge less and some firms will charge more. But for $300/month, your company can receive competent SEO services that will positively affect your rankings in search engines and your bottom line.

Profit levels vary quite a bit from product to product and company to company so I can't come up with a one size fits all ROI number in this article. However we can calculate at what profit does the SEO result above break even. For this example, $300 per month / 140 new customers = $2.14 per customer break even. In other words, if your average profit per new customer is $2.14 or above, you have a positive ROI on this SEO effort. Most businesses are likely to have a higher profit than this example, thus the ROI will be extremely higher.

Most likely the ROI on this example will be higher than calculated. Consider that once this customer has found you, purchased from you and is satisfied with this result, they may come back to you. Your SEO effort will result in future sales from this new customer. Add in the possibility that this customer may also give you word of mouth referrals as well and the ROI pushes higher.

The ROI will be even higher if you rank high on multiple keywords. Most small business SEO programs at the $300 level offer optimization for multiple keywords. Let's further assume in this example the website also reached #1 rank for Brass Pipe Fittings and Iron Pipe Fittings:

Brass Pipe Fittings with 4,400 monthly searches would yield 28 more customers each month. Similarly Iron Pipe Fittings with 9,900 searches will add, using the same formula as above, 62 more customers. In total we get 230 new customers with these three keywords. Break even is now at $1.30. Add more keywords in top ranks and the ROI goes even higher.

To be fair, you will have to invest in the optimization of your website for several months before you attain high rankings for your keywords. Thus in the short run you may have zero ROI at the start, but as the campaign runs over time, the results will improve and will move the ROI up. In short you have to invest for the future results.

In the above analysis I used conservative numbers. For example I could have used the key word Pipe Fittings with 246,000 searches per month which yields over 1,500 new customers per the formula above. It may be possible to rank at #1 for Pipe Fittings, but this would be a more difficult task taking a longer time period to achieve. The 42% rate of clicks for the #1 position may be low. Some other studies say it is as high as 59% which would yield even higher ROI. The point is that even if you use conservative assumptions, it is easy to demonstrate a positive ROI on your SEO efforts.

The Bottom Line

SEO works for small businesses by bringing more visitors to your web site. Your results will vary based on the nature of your business and your industry, but in almost all cases there is a positive return on investment when the right keywords are chosen and your website contains content that is attractive to your potential buyers. To get a more detailed analysis of your situation, you can contact a SEO professional.
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You can invest in some affordable PPC marketing tools with most of them going for less than hundred dollars and in some cases as low as twenty dollars. Besides spending money on PPC keyword optimization tools and tracking softwares [which are again low-cost], you need to come up with a budget so as to compete in the bidding game. In some cases, you may pay 5 cents per click or even 5 dollars depending on how competitive your niche is.
Rank Math Configuration
I cannot over emphasize the importance of good keyword research for your online business. keyword research is the most important first step in setting up your online business.

Finding a profitable niche can be very difficult without effective keyword research it is almost impossible to tell how competitive your niche is. You can waist a lot of time and effort without knowing if you will even be able to get high search engine ranking. It is possible to find your niche first then determine the most effective keywords, but if you find high traffic keywords with low competition then select the product to market your chance of success is a lot better.

The next logical step would be to select a domain name based on the keyword you have selected this will be a big boost for your SEO efforts. The next step is to build a well optimized website. What are the makings of a well optimized website? You should write good informative content using your keyword phrases several times within the natural flow of the text. Be careful not to over do it a good rule of thumb is to use your keywords about three to five percent.

Statistical Information suggest that search engines like Google weigh on page factors about forty percent in determining ranking. This evidence suggest that on page optimization is very important to search engine ranking. using keyword phrases in your website text is a big factor. You should be very diligent when doing keyword research checking all the important factors then using the relevant keyword phrase on every page of the website. Remember you must use the keyword phrase so it appears natural within the flow of the article.

Once the website is complete it is time to promote your business. The best and most highly weighted factor for off page by the search engines is anchor text using your chosen keyword phrase. The idea is to get backlinks from other websites linking to your website with your keyword phrase in the text of your hyper link. Stop for a minute and consider this - what if you spend all this time and effort targeting the wrong keywords phrase for your website? imagine how disheartening that would be after all that work to get nothing for your efforts.

I hope that you starting to realize just how important it is to find the right keywords.

Lets do the math if forty percent of your ranking id determined by on page factors which is primarily based on keywords in all the right places on your pages. The other sixty percent of search engine rank is based on keywords appearing in anchor text pointing back to your website - it would be safe to say. The entire success of your website business is based on finding the right keywords to build your business around. So it would not be a stretch by any means to say if you fail to do keyword properly then you are just setting the stage for failure.

I hope you find enlightenment in this brief tutorial about the crucial role of good keyword research, and realize that it is the driving force of every online business. It has to be done and it had to be done well.
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