Oxford Business Impact Survey - COVID-19
The Oxford Chamber of Commerce is concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on your business.

Our goal is to better understand your business needs so we can seek out resources being established as we speak at the local, state, and national levels. In addition, we strive to help coordinate informational resources to our Government. We strive to share information with our Community about each business (hours of operation, etc.) provide one place to find and share information to help maneuver through these times.

Please complete this brief survey; your answers will better help us direct you to the correct resources that are available.

Thank you!

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1) Your name *
Your company *
Email address
2) What is the primary business conducted by your company? (Choose one.)
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3) How many full and part-time employees do you have working in your organization?
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4) What internal changes have you made to employee policies, business processes, etc. to manage through these times? Select all that apply. In the comments section, please tell us which policies or processes you have changed and how you have changed them. (Select all that apply.)
5) How are you changing your business or marketing strategies to strengthen your business in anticipation of a downturn? (Select all that apply.)
6) How has the outbreak affected your employees and level of staffing? (Choose one.)
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7) Please share any other comments about the impact of this virus on your company.
8) Do you have any suggestions or newly implemented practices you would like to share with other businesses and organizations?
9) Is there anything that the Oxford Chamber of Commerce can do at this time to help your business or organization?
Please rate how the coronavirus outbreak has impacted your business or organization.
Lowest impact
Highest impact
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