How does Bollywood and other western media sexualise women?
Hi I'm Aiden currently studying at The Jannali High School and i'm doing my Year 12 Personal Interest Project. This questionnaire is for my Society and Culture Personal Interest Project (PIP) and it will be greatly appreciated if you could answer every single question :))!! You don't have to answer any questions that you don't feel comfortable doing and all responses will be kept confidential and the results will only be published for my PIP only. Thank-You :)
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1. What type of movies do you watch?
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2. How do you think Hollywood sexualise women?
3. Why do you think film industries tend to sexualise females more than males?
4. Was the film you saw most recently sexualise:
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5. In what ways do you think males get sexualised in films?
6. By looking at this image what kind of audience do you think would be enticed to watch this movie?
7. Have you seen another film that was from a different region other than Hollywood?
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8. In what ways did that film industry sexualise women?
9. Have you seen a Bollywood film?
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10. How do you think Bollywood sexualise women?
11. Does Bollywood sexualise males more or females?
12. Why do you think the item girl in a Bollywood song is sexualised more?
13. By looking at this image, how do you think this female is being sexualised?
14. To your opinion what do you think sexualisation means and what film have you seen that tends to sexualise people a lot?
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