New Affiliate Sign Up
If you're interested in becoming an affiliate, please fill out this form. We will get back to you within 24-48 hours with approval and further instruction. If you are looking to sell your activity or tour on our website, please go to for more info.
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What is the name of your company? *
What is your full name and position with the company? *
Where is your company located (city, state, country)? *
Please enter your best contact phone number. *
Please enter your best contact email. *
Please enter the website for your company and/or the website(s) you wish to be associated with this affiliate account. *
How long has your company been operating? *
Does your company use an email newsletter to promote your product/service? If so, how many subscribers do you have? *
Does your company use social media to promote your product/service? If so, how many followers do you have? *
How many monthly unique visitors does your website currently receive? *
In a few short sentences, tell us why you are interested in becoming a Tripshock affiliate? *
Which destination(s) will your company promote? *
In a few short sentences, tell us how you plan to promote the TripShock affiliate program. *
How did you hear about us? *
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