Alabama IFC Philanthropy Financial Assistance Request
Alabama IFC Philanthropy Financial Assistance Request
In order to have a cause supported by the Alabama Inter-fraternity Council, a Philanthropy Financial Assistance Request Form must be filled out and submitted to the Alabama Inter-fraternity Council two weeks before the event/fundraiser. This will allow time to determine if the cause fits the ideals of the Alabama Interfraternity Council and to disseminate all necessary information to the chapters. You will be contacted within one week concerning your event's approval.

Funding from the Alabama Interfraternity Council may only be used by an organization to assist with the success of a program.  Funds will be allocated after receipt and review of this assistance request form, and on an at need bases, all funds requested may not be awarded.  Funds can be used for materials, supplies, marketing, or similar.  Funds cannot be used as the donation to the charitable organization, for insurance of event, or similar. The Alabama Interfraternity Council reserves the right to deny funding to an organization or program that is registered incorrectly, inaccurately, or if the request misrepresents the intention of a program or purpose of funds being requested.  Misleading or misrepresenting information provided on this form may constitute a violation of the University of Alabama Code of Conduct, and may result in the referral of the individual and/or organization to the Alabama Interfraternity Council Judicial Board, or the University of Alabama Office of Student Conduct. Appeals for funding will be reviewed by the Alabama Interfraternity Council Judicial Board and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Please make sure this request is at least two weeks ahead of the date of event.

Please email questions to Jack H. Lauterbach, IFC Director of Philanthropy,
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Event Date
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Description of Event 
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Amount Needed
What will this money be going towards?
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