Help Animals in Ukraine
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Are you seeking or offering help? *
Where are you located or where can you help? (only City and Region) *
What is your name or the contact name for your organization? (if there's more than one, please separate by a comma) *
What is your contact number? (please include country code, if there's more than one - separate by a comma, indicate person's name in brackets if there are multiple people) *
What do you need help with or what can you help with? Please indicate quantities (i.e. dry food for dogs - 100kg, drinking water - as much as possible, etc) *
How many of each type of animal do you need help for? (i.e. 200 dogs, 50 cats, 20 rabbits) If you are providing help, how many animals can you help (i.e. can transport 1-5 dogs). *
Is there anything else we should know? (please in as few words as possible)
Do you accept donations? Please provide very clear details of every donation method you accept, specifying the currencies.
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