#econ_prosem 11/01/22: Jonathan B. Berk
On Tuesday, November 1st at 4pm ET, Jonathan B. Berk will present "How to a Referee Report." To learn more about Jonathan, click here (opens in a new window).

Please RSVP below in order to have the Zoom invitation URL sent to your email address (institutional email preferred).

RSVPing does not commit you to attending (though of course we would love to see you).
Email address *
Name *
Twitter handle (optional): include @
Tag my Twitter handle when happy hour starts:
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Questions for Jonathan:
Would you like to receive emails about future #econ_prosem seminars (we will not use it for anything else)? *
We are going to record the pro-seminars going forward for those who cannot attend at the time. This means your image and/or voice will be heard if you use video or audio. If you do not wish to be captured, you can mute your video and audio. NOTE: These recordings will NOT be available to the public and are only available upon request. *
The Zoom invitation URL will come from econprosem@gmail.com. Please add this email to your address book to ensure you receive the email in your inbox and not your spam folder. *
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