Cuba Expression of Interest Form - 2024
The Purpose: To build relationship and partnership with a sister BIC church in Santa Clara, Cuba.
The Priority Project: Our original plan was to help them install a concrete floor in their church meeting space. Due to changing priorities at the church in Cuba, this is on hold and we will be focused on ministry and relationship building.
Other Projects: Dependant on the gifts on the team.
Dates: Mid to late November 2024 (Firm dates TBD)
Fundraising Goals: Changing priorities decrease the amount we need to fundraise. (We don't need the $4,500 for the supplies for the floor.) We will need about $2,000 for various ministry items we will take. And approximately $1,300 per person.
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Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Age *
Rate your level of interest for this upcoming trip *
Interested, but need more information
Get me on the plane!
Please share a little about why this trip interests you. *
Have you been on any church group volunteer trips before (otherwise known as "mission trips")? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please share a little about that.
How would you rate your level of knowledge or understanding about the history and culture of Cuba? *
Very little
A lot
How would you rate your level of knowledge of Spanish? *
Very little
I can communicate effectively
Describe your personal journey with Jesus. What are some highlights, struggles, notable events, and descriptive words about your faith? *
Since the purpose of this trip is to deepen church-to-church connection and to share the love of Jesus with the local church's community, how comfortable are you sharing about your personal journey with Jesus? *
What skills and talents are you able to share with the team and local church? (Please select any that apply) *
What other skills or talents do you have that you are able to share with the team and local church?
Are you willing to be a learner and not an expert? *
We may not be sleeping in a "comfortable" location, but in local church members' homes. Are you okay with this? *
Do you have any health concerns that the team should be aware of, or that could impact your time in Cuba? *
If you answered yes or maybe to the previous question, please share a little about that.
Anything else?
If there is anything else you wanted to share that wasn't in the questions above, this is the place to do it!
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