When Rivers Were Trails - Call for Educators
The development team of When Rivers Were Trails is paying $200 to teachers/educators of 5th-12th grade and college students to assign playing the game on PC/Mac and filling out an online survey of reflective questions. Gameplay can last up to 2.5 hours and the survey requires 30 minutes.

When Rivers Were Trails (https://indianlandtenure.itch.io/when-rivers-were-trails) is an educational 2D adventure game, featuring over twenty Indigenous writers, art by Weshoyot Alvitre, and music by Supaman, developed in collaboration with the Indian Land Tenure Foundation and Michigan State University’s Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab thanks to support from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. The game follows an Anishinaabeg in the 1890’s who is displaced from Fond du Lac in Minnesota to California due to the impact of allotment acts on Indigenous communities.

For any questions or comments, please contact Elizabeth LaPensée, Ph.D. at odamino@msu.edu. To express interest, please fill out and submit the form below.

Gichi miigwech, thank you very much for your consideration!
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Indigenous Intervention in Education
Development Team
The Indian Land Tenure Foundation is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. They work to promote education, increase cultural awareness, create economic opportunity, and reform the legal and administrative systems that prevent American Indian people from owning and controlling reservation lands.

The mission of the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab at Michigan State University is to design innovative prototypes, techniques, and complete games for entertainment and learning and to advance state of the art knowledge about social and individual effects of digital games.

Elizabeth LaPensée, Ph.D. is an award-winning designer, writer, artist, and researcher who creates and studies Indigenous-led media such as games and comics. She is Anishinaabe from Baawaating with relations at Bay Mills Indian Community, Métis named for Elizabeth Morris, and settler-Irish. She is an Assistant Professor of Media & Information and Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures at Michigan State University. She is a 2018 Guggenheim Fellow.
Name: *
Email Address: *
School/Institution: *
Location (City, State/Province, Country):
What grade/college level would play the game? *
What is/are the class topic(s)? *
Do the students have access to PCs or Macs? *
Where would the students play the game?
When can the students play the game? *
Any questions or comments you would like to share with the team?
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