THE SPACE RACE Movie Screening Survey
Thank you for participating in our event. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).
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How would you rate the film? *
Please select the option which describes you best *
Did the perseverance and courageous work of the Black pioneers depicted in the film inspire you?
Did this film help you learn something new or expand your understanding of the legacy and current achievements of Black astronauts, space scientists, and researchers? *
If your screening included a post-screening panel, Q&A, or discussion, how valuable did you find it? *
Did you use the Discussion Guide materials either before, during, or after your screening?
After seeing THE SPACE RACE, are you compelled to do any of the following?
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Any other comments? Please share any moments that stood out to you from the film or event
What is your age?This question is required.*
Name (optional)
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