Market Information Customers Survey
This survey aims to capture information on the interest in a Bahamian Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS), and the potential customers who may utilize the AMIS.
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The Agricultural Market Information System would be an online portal which would aim to provide information on agricultural products such as price data, imports and exports,  market analysis and related news.  Are you interested in an Agricultural Market Information System as described?   *
Please select the option that best describes you *
If you selected farmer/producer, please list your top five (5) crops and/or livestock products separated by a comma (,).  If not a farmer/producer, please input N/A *
Example: Tomatoes, Onions, Sweet pepper, Chicken eggs, Duck eggs
If you selected buyer/distributor, please list your top five (5) agricultural products separated by a comma (,).  If not a buyer/distributor, please input N/A *
Example: Tomatoes, Onions, Sweet pepper, Chicken eggs, Duck eggs
Which island is your primary market? *
On which island are you located? *
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