Understanding Ganesh Chaturthi and Visarjan

"गणपती बप्पा मोरया"

The Aartery Chronicles (TAC)

Greetings! We invite you to participate in our survey to gather insights and opinions about Ganesh Chaturthi and the Visarjan ceremony. Your valuable input will help us gain a better understanding of the cultural, spiritual, and psychological aspects of these significant Indian traditions.

This survey consists of a few questions and should take only a few minutes to complete. Whether you are a devotee or an expert in relevant fields, your perspective is important to us.

Your responses will remain confidential, and we want to inform you that selected opinions from this survey may be included and attributed in our upcoming article on Ganesh Chaturthi and Visarjan. Your insights will contribute to a broader discussion of these traditions and their significance.

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What does Ganesh Chaturthi mean to you personally, and how do you celebrate this festival in your family or community?
In what ways do you believe that participating in the Visarjan ritual contributes to your spiritual journey, including concepts of detachment and devotion? How does it make you feel to bid farewell to Lord Ganesha?
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