Rising Connected - The Power of Circle
Registration for The Power of Circle Programme - 2023

Please fill this form out to let us know which programme or bundle you would like to book. Once you have submitted this form, we will send you an email with a link to make your payment. 

If you have any problems or questions completing this form, please contact us at connect@risingconnected.com 

Thank you 
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Email *
Full Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
How did you hear about this programme? 
(If from a Circle Leader - please give their name)
What is your current profession? 
How would you most like to benefit from this programme personally?
How would you most like to benefit from this programme professionally?
If you have previous experience of holding Circle, please describe...
Programme Registering for *
How would you like to Pay?  *
Any Requirements or Questions you may have at this point...

Please note that by submitting your registration you agree to the following terms:

This programme is for women only. It is not a substitute for professional therapeutic support where it may be needed. Whilst our intention is to support and resource you in your experience, Joey Walters, Rising Connected Limited and any supporting Programme Guides, Circle Leaders, Guardians or Mentors, cannot be responsible for your mental, emotional or physical state of well-being whilst engaging in this programme. By checking this box, you agree to take full responsibility for your well-being, whilst participating and for reaching out for any additional support that you may need.

As we are creating a safe and confidential space for you and all participants, we ask you to observe this confidentiality by not sharing content, event replays or any information about other participants, without express written permission. 

Thank you for your care and integrity.

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