BSidesNYC 2024 PvJ CTF Sign-up for Pros
Calling All Pros!

Pro registration for the BSidesNYC 2019 Pros V Joes competition is now open!

If you apply to play our game and are accepted, that DOES NOT MEAN you get a conference ticket!  You will need to purchase a ticket through EventBrite, using the code we will provide you.

The game will be held on October 19 at BSidesNYC in the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, starting in the morning and running into the afternoon.

Pros V Joes website:
BsidesNYC website:

What is the Pros V Joes CTF?

This event is an opportunity for average users (Joes) to try their hand at both the offensive and defensive side of computer security.  For the Pros, it's a chance to hone and show off their skills while helping others to learn and better themselves.  It's also a lot of fun.

Joes are split up into teams, each with a Pro captain and co-captain, then given their own network to defend against the Red Cell.  Each team's network comes complete with all of the services, servers, and desktops common to a corporate environment today. Your mission is to secure the systems, maintain business-critical services, find the Red Cell, and expel them while keeping them from getting back in.  Of course, there will be more than a few surprises...

If you are applying as a Blue Pro, your mission is to help your team secure the services and systems, find the Red Cell, and expel them while keeping them from getting back in.  If you are applying as a Red Pro...well, you know what your job will be.  ;-)

All Pros, regardless of team color, are expected to be courteous and friendly to Joes, helping them learn and better themselves throughout the event.

Players will attack and defend in live networks, breaking into each other's systems to steal flags for fame and glory.  Each team is provided with their own network that is full of servers and workstations to defend.  All of this gear is housed in a dedicated and isolated network that we affectionately call the Gaming Grid.  Players need only bring a laptop to connect to the environment with.  Please note that RJ45 cat5 or 6 connections are required this year.  (Laptops will not be in the line of fire, if you follow the rules...  ;-).

The environment to host this CTF is currently undergoing active construction and will be laced with various surprises to keep the game interesting.  The networks that the Blue Teams must defend will be a mix of Windows and Linux, with the typical Internet services (web, DNS, mail, etc) and more obscure systems and services.
At the end, a winning team will be announced.

You, the Pros, are pivotal for this event to be successful. We need your skills and experience, as well as your help training and tutoring the Joe's.

I'd like to ask each Pro to respond with a bit of background about yourself - your background, your level of experience, and your area of expertise.  This information will help tailor the game so that we can make the best use of the talent in the Pro pool.

In the days and weeks ahead, you’ll be contacted by PvJ staff as we start our selection process.  Applicants who are selected will be expected to work with the rest of their team to prepare for the event.  As we get closer to the event, we will be reaching out to applicants to determine where the best fit might be.  Red Applicants can expect to be tested in our Proving Grounds, so be prepared to show us your mettle.  Blue Applicants will undergo an interview process before being accepted.

For those selected, we will provision your VPN access to the CTF Network so that you can become familiar with it.

Lastly, if anyone has questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to tweet me @dichotomy1.  We have a whole team building and running this CTF. We’re very open to new ideas, and think a group collaboration can only make this event better.


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Name *
X or Mastadon Handle, nickname, or other Social Media contact *
“I don’t have one” is an acceptable answer - but we might give one to you. ;)
Email *
IMPORTANT:  Be sure to use the email which you will use to register with BSidesNYC for.  If you are selected to play PvJ, the email you give here will be the only one we use to communicate with you.
Phone *
Contact # we can reach you at days of show
What qualifies you to be a "Pro"? *
Do you prefer Red Team (Offense) or Blue Team (Defense)?
The Call for Red Pros is closed.  We are now only accepting applications for Blue Pros
General Skills
How skilled are you at Windows? *
not my thing
Microsoft calls me for tech support
How skilled are you at Windows Domain?
not my thing
GPOs are my life
Clear selection
How skilled are you at Linux? *
not my thing
Linus asks for my opinion on kernel commits
How skilled are you at networking? *
what's a packet?
I write RFCs for fun
Defensive Skills
How skilled are you at netsec? *
I just need a firewall, right?
I eat flows, sigs, and pcaps for breakfast
How skilled are you at hostsec? *
AV is good enough, right?
I can smell rootkits from 50 yards
How skilled are you at Incident Response? *
A reboot will do, right?
I wrote the SANS course
Offensive Skills
How skilled are you at attacking Linux?
I pwn all the things
Clear selection
How skilled are you at attacking Windows?
I pwn all the things
Clear selection
How skilled are you at attacking Web?
I pwn all the things
Clear selection
How skilled are you at post compromise?
APT don't got nothin' on me
Clear selection
How good are you at defense evasion?
I am as unseen as the wind...
Clear selection
How good are you at persistence?
Take out my shells and you rip out your own spine
Clear selection
Other Information
Please describe your areas of expertise *
Please list your experience *
Please describe your background *
What CTFs have you played in before?
How many times have you played in Pros V Joes before?
Which previous PvJ events have you played in before?  (if any)
Is there other information you would like to provide?
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