SFCC Library Reserve Form
1.) After submitting a completed form, please bring reserve materials to the Library circulation desk.
2.) All reserve items are two hours use in the Library only.
3.) Please pick up materials at the end of the semester. Those items not picked up will be returned to your office at the end of the semester.
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Course Title *
(example: Principles of Accounting I)
Course ID *
(example: ACCT 121)
Semester(s) *
(example: Fall 2015-Fall 2016)
Instructor Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
May we attach barcodes, security strips, and an identifying label to your materials? *
If your materials include photocopied materials, please read: In regard to compliance with, or violation of the 1978 copyright law (Public Law 94-553), General Revision of Copyright Law, which took effect January 1, 1987, I accept full responsibility under this law for photocopies I am requesting be placed on reserve at the Santa Fe Community College Library.
I have read the copyright statement and agree to comply with these restrictions.
Please list the first material to be placed on reserve in the fields below.
Author *
(last name, first name)
Title *
If you have another material to be placed on reserve, list it in the fields below.
(last name, first name)
Additional Comments or Instructions:
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