Eagle Lake General Policies
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First and Last Name *
What program will you be working on this summer? *
When can cell phones be used during camp? *
1 point
It is okay to post a photo of a camper on Social Media. *
1 point
It is okay to accept a friend request from a camper on social media while on staff with Eagle Lake. *
1 point
Please select what you should NOT wear at camp. (select all that apply) *
1 point
What should I do if I see an adult at camp not wearing a name tag? (select all that apply) *
1 point
Select the correct acronym for EAGLE *
1 point
What does the WELCOME acronym teach us to do? *
1 point
Which of these guidelines should you follow when staying in a host home? (select all that apply) *
1 point
Which of the following criminal and immoral behaviors are you required to refrain from when on staff with Eagle Lake? *
1 point
It is expected that you will be 5 minutes early to all scheduled meals, meetings and activities. *
1 point
What should you do if a camper asks about sex or sexuality? *
1 point
When is it okay to engage in dating relationships with another counselor? *
1 point
It is okay to share a room with someone of the opposite gender if its convenient *
1 point
It is okay to use Nakedness as a form of relational bonding *
1 point
Which substance is okay to use during your employment at Eagle Lake? (select all that apply) *
1 point
How engaging was this session?
I'd attend part 2!
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How helpful was this session?
Wait, what am I supposed to know?
I'm ready for the summer!
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