Move Inchicore: An Update on the Covid Mobility Campaign. Which design would you like to see in Inchicore?
In July 2020, I pitched an idea to help people access Inchicore village in a safe and welcoming environment. I asked people to consider travelling “to Inchicore, instead of through Inchicore”. I made a feedback form and sent the data I gathered to Dublin City Council's Covid Mobility section.

While DCC didn't consider the plan worth implementing, councillors--across parties--saw that there was appetite for change in Inchicore and an opportunity to invest in infrastructure that would support BusConnects, the Emmet Road Regeneration project, and other residential developments and businesses.

I am calling the second iteration of the idea "Move Inchicore". While the Inchicore Covid Mobility Plan focused on making temporary space for businesses to operate outdoors during public health restrictions, "Move Inchicore" is a more permanent strategy to help residents and visitors of all ages and abilities move around our community more efficiently.  

In the 100 submissions I received during the summer, a major theme that emerged was the lack of safe, segregated cycle paths. Extending the Inchicore Road cycle path up to Blackhorse and providing parallel infrastructure on Emmet Road would connect hundreds of homes with schools and other facilities.This can be done without affecting the flow of through traffic (Option B).

The suggestion of creating a new civic space in Inchicore village has attracted controversy recently. I understand the fear some have in the community for what is, at first glance, a big change. Again, this is something that can be implemented without disrupting the flow of through traffic--our neighbours in Chapelizod have a lovely plaza area that cars can drive through. I'm hopeful though, that as a community, we might push ourselves to imagine some of the possibilities for this space beyond just road space. Jack Nolan's report recommended finding a space in Inchicore for a market. Perhaps one Sunday morning a month we close the road and have a farmers market on the plaza? If this sounds like something you're into, chose Option C.

The designs for the various options are below--including an option to vote for keeping the current layout. As with the last round of submissions, I will require names and addresses to be included so I can map how the support and opposition falls geographically and see how the information is penetrating to different parts of the community. Also to prevent duplicate submissions!

Thanks for reading!
Lauren Tuite
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Option A: Current Layout
Option B: Cycle Lanes & Widened Footpaths, No Disruption to General Traffic (with separate traffic signalling for cyclists and other accessible vehicles)
Option C: Cycle Lanes, Widened Footpaths, and Paved Area to Allow for Multi-Purpose Community Space (This option allows for "pop up markets" and other events with temporary closure to through traffic)
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