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Pre-Assessment Form
Please have this form completed
at least 48 hours before your Behavior Assessment
There are 10 sections, please ensure you complete them all
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Your first and last name
Your answer
Your email address
Your answer
Your phone number
Your answer
Your home address (with area code) * I use this to view your home and local area on Google maps *
Your answer
What is your living situation?
I rent my home
I own my home
Family owned
Your dog's name
Your answer
Your dog's age
Your answer
Your dog's breed (if your dog is a rescue and you have had a DNA test include the % of breeds)
Your answer
Where did you acquire your dog? (Please name rescue organisation if adopted)
Your answer
How long have you had your dog?
Your answer
If you rescued your dog, what do you know about his/her history? (For example, was your dog re-homed many times?)
Your answer
Is this your first dog? If no, what dogs have you had before?
Yes, first dog all on my own
Not my first dog on my own
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If your dog is a rescue, have you had a rescue dog before?
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