Dear Guardian,
A new North Carolina state law, SB 49, requires annual written notification regarding school mental health services .
This form offers you the opportunity to "opt-in" to such services as delivered by school Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP) staff, which include school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, and school nurses.
The main priority of your child’s SISP team is to empower students to reach their highest level of success - whether that’s in the classroom or planning their future career.
SISP members strive to meet the needs of all of our students by visiting classrooms, working with small groups, and meeting with students to discuss age-appropriate topics such as getting along with others, staying safe, coping skills, and learning how to be a successful student.
Your choice to "Opt-In" will allow the SISP team to provide these support services to your child. Guardians will be contacted if additional resources or services may be beneficial. If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact a member of the SISP team.
For more information on SISP Services and Supports, click here.
If you have any questions please contact:
Amy Hand (School Counselor, A-D)
Genene Palmer-Fabor (School Counselor, E-J)
Aly Nalbone (School Counselor, K-Q)
Pete Witkowski (School Counselor, R-Z)
Laura Riley (School Psychologist)
Aronda Dunlap-Elder (School Social Worker)
I understand I will receive regular updates on provided services, progress toward goals, and information on additional resources if a higher level of support is warranted.
I recognize that services delivered by school staff are not intended to be a substitute for mental health services offered by outside community providers.
I reserve the right to waive this consent at any time by contacting the school staff in writing.
This consent will become effective from the day it is received by the school and will remain in effect for the school year unless the consent is rescinded in writing by his/her parent or legal guardian. Consents will not transfer from school to school. A new consent form will need to be completed each time your child changes schools.
I understand that parental or legal guardian permission is required for ongoing supportive individual and/or group interventions.
For more information on Confidentiality/Disclosure Statement for Students, click here.
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