Teen-Led Program Application Form
**Students MUST be at least entering 11th grade to be considered. Submission of this form does not guarantee your program will be accepted. 
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Email Address *
What is your full name? *
What is your phone number? *
Emergency Contact (name and number) *
What is your age and grade? *
Title of your proposed program *
Description of proposed program (please include as much detail as possible)

What age group is this program for?
What is the maximum number of attendees? *
How many sessions will your program be and how long will each session be?
Will your program be in person or over zoom?
If you could choose, when would this program be held? (Please give timeline using months) *
Will your program require any resources from the library? If so, what would you need?
(example: projector, craft supplies, etc.)
Why do you want to host this program at the library?
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