Clinical Advisory Board
Below are a few short questions for each physician or dentist interested in participating on the CAB.

The Clinical Advisory Board (CAB) is a unique group of clinicians evaluating startups and technology in their clinical specialty.  In recognition of the importance of this input, members of this group are offered exclusive access to 1) events bringing together clinician experts with startups and 2) opportunities for startup investment and advisory roles and 3) ownership in a pool of equity accumulated each year from the startups being evaluated. 

There are currently 13+ CAB “departments” representing different specialties and we are always reviewing the mix and open to adding more.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number (we will only use this if we need to get in touch with you urgently) *
Specialty *
Sub-Specialties or Specific Areas of Expertise *
City, State *
Who were you referred by? *
Do you have a complete AngelMD profile including a photo? If not, we'll work with you to get one created. *
How long have you been practicing medicine/dentistry? (in years) *
Check All That Apply *
Feel free to share anything else you think we should know!
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