TVGS Summer Classes - Instructor, Lab Assistant, and Guest Speaker Sign Up
Tech Valley Game Space is currently seeking applicants for paid instructor positions related to two separate game development classes we are teaching over the summer:

1. Summer STEM Research Institute - a game development training course for high school teachers (virtual)

2. Codename: Hopeworks - an introductory game dev class for people from historically underserved and disenfranchised populations (in-person)

In addition to these paid instructor roles, TVGS is also seeking volunteer lab assistants who can help students with projects during our Hopeworks class. We are also looking for guest speakers with professional experience who are willing to discuss their roles within the industry with class participants (either in-person or virtually based on speaker preference).

Both classes will begin in early July and run through late August. However, instructors and lab assistants will not necessarily need to be available for every class session during that time period. Please review the scheduling info provided in each section for more details.

If you are interested in one or more of the aforementioned roles, please submit your application by June 30th. Questions can be sent to
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Applicants must be at least 18 in order to be eligible
Please provide a brief description of your relevant training and background
Highlight any general teaching experience, game development skills, and/or related expertise
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