Saving one life without hands. World record pledge.
Leave your email and your pledge amount per kilometer. If you want to pledge a fixed amount, skip the second question and fill in just the third question. 100% of your pledge will be donated to The Against Malaria Foundation.

If you want to read why I do this, please read my story here.

After the record I will email you how far I rode my bike with a payment request per KM (or your fixed amount if you chose so). So if you pledge one cent per kilometer, and I ride 100KM, you will get a payment link for one euro. For larger amounts, tax deductability is possible in The Netherlands and most other countries. If you have questions, email

Thanks so much and let's save at least one life together, without hands!

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Your email address *
The amount you pledge per kilometer. For one euro, put 1. For one cent, put 0.01. 
I want to pledge a fixed amount. Please state the amount in €. 
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