Grand Session 2023 Survey
Give us your thoughts about Grand Session 2023
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Name *
Status *
Did you attend Grand Session 2023 *
Did you utilize the Wristband Key? *
In the future, would you like an option for online session registration? *
Did you like the meals? *
If you chose the vegetarian option, did you enjoy what was offered? *
What types of food would you like to see offered.  (This question is for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. We cannot guarantee that you will get your choice, but we we'll check the feasibility of your suggestions) *
Did you arrive at session on Wednesday? *
Would you like to see Wednesday night as a part of the Package Deal? *
Did you attend Jobie Congress *
Jobie Congress began at 8:30pm *
Did you participate via Zoom for Jobie Congress? *
Should we continue the Zoom option for those unable to attend Session on Wednesday night? *
Jobie Congress was scheduled for an hour but ran longer. Should it be scheduled for longer to allow for more discussion on proposed Amendments? *
Do you like splitting the various awards ceremonies into separate activities (Formal Banquet for Creative Communications - Thursday night for Performing Arts Awards/Talent Showcase - Friday afternoon for Arts & Crafts/Ritual Awards) *
Daughters, do you want to continue receiving a team trophy for team competitions in addition to your individual medallions? *
Did you like going offsite on Friday afternoon for lunch and awards? *
Did you participate in the Foam Event on Friday? *
Did you participate in the Fun Activity on Saturday night following the GGC Installation? *
Should there continue to be an activity  on Saturday night following the GGC Installation? *
What was your favorite part of Grand Session?
What was your least favorite part of Grand Session?
What can we do to make Grand Session a Better experience for you?
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